Friday, March 15, 2013

Labyrinth of Lunacy

I'm going to be updating my blog with changes I make to my campaigns now that I am in the Foundry Beta and can talk about foundry things.

Working on my 2nd map, the Labyrinth of Lunacy which will be a continuation of the story from the crypt flavor items. Darius is still allowing adventurers run through "his creations" but this time it should be a little tougher and the quest will span two dungeon maps, both smaller than crypts but combined they are larger.

I have the two maps created and the basic floor plan set and just started adding clutter, mobs and other interesting things to level one. I'm trying to get in the habit of doing the layout, naming each room something so I remember the layout (IE "library" and such) and then adding the details room by room and hallways by hallway as the player would reach them.

Some will be pleased to know there are no locked doors that require a mob's death to progress in map one, no skull lamps either, that is strictly a CoC feature, which will change down the road. I will be adding key drops for some locked doors, but most likely not until level two.

Level one is still using the dungeon tiles as I enjoy the flexibility they have and the low ceiling cramped feel they give, but level two will be more of an interior setting (house), you will see why then you play it.

I am trying new things with this quest as well and will not be using many undead as the labyrinth is home of fiercely territorial inhabitants, but there will be some as the story is based on the risen taking over the crypts and moving up through the lower levels of an apparent castle of some form.

Here are some shots of map one.

3/16/13 Update

Real life work has my off time work suffering a bit this week as it's spring and I am getting slammed with jobs, which s a very good thing!

I did manage to get some editing time in with the Labyrinth quest maps though and some more story bits including a dialogue with a very unlikely NPC (no spoilers!)

I think fleshing out a map is my favorite part of creating content, whether in the pen and paper days, NWN days or even in Skyrim when I briefly played around with that editing tool. A lot of my content ideas come while just looking through what I can place and thinking how cool it would be used in a non-normal way in the map.

Here's some more screenshots of some things I got added last night as I did a walk through.

 Working with the foundry is a bit slow right now but maybe next week I can get busy and have this done by the BW3 but it's going to be tough. I will not however publish this one until it is polished much more than Crypts were when I first published it.

Depending on when launch is, I should have all three quests finished in this campaign, or I may opt to publish quest one in the two campaigns I have written out that tie into this story and fill a ton of holes that this campaign has.

We'll see.


Update 3/24/13

I decided to work on this quest today and got a ton of things done. I love making up the story as I go!

I got the first level map completed and a completed working quest for it. It stays fairly true to CoC as a dungeon crawl but I added much more story to it, including updating the back story quite a bit. Darius you evil bastard! About half way through the map the combat starts to fall off and more of the story starts to come forth. It will take a little curious exploring to snag all the pieces of lore but it will make for  much deeper background if you do.

There is still a ton to do, since I do not like hitting the populate button for my rooms and would much rather self design, it takes a long time to get it like I want, but to me that is most of the fun.

Here are a few screens of what I worked on today.

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